TF 8 LEAHY Klasse Vorankündigung

#1 von Norbert Bröcher , 12.01.2017 16:30

Moin moin,

so, für die gaaanz Eiligen hier schon einmal die original Vorankündigung von CHRIS DALEY (TF models) im Originalton, da ich schon darauf angesprochen wurde.
Am Wochenende mache ich auch die Übersetzung mit Fotos und weiteren Details für den MR hier fertig.....die Vorankündigung ist auch auf Facebook unter: mit Fotos einsehbar:
Als erstes Modell wird TF 8A RICHMOND K. TURNER mit nur 2 anstatt 4 Feuerleitgeräten erscheinen.
Insgesamt sind auf Grund von Lieferschwierigkeiten (Streik beim Hersteller) 4 Schiffe anfangs nur mit 2 Feuerleitgeräten ausgerüstet gewesen.
danke für euer/ihr Interesse
Norbert Bröcher

Coming Shortly From 1250 Models
Our next 1250 Models release is now in the final stages of production. It will be the first of five planned variations of the US Navy's Leahy class destroyer leaders/missile cruisers. These ships were the first US Navy double ended missile ships and relied on missiles, being equipped with only a pair of twin 3"/50 anti-aircraft guns.

DLG-16 USS Leahy on June 27, 1962 off Bath, Maine working up to her August 4, 1962 commissioning. (US Navy photograph)

The only existing 1/1250 models of this class are from Hansa (USS Leahy) and Delphin (USS Worden) and they are incorrect in many respects due to the lack of adequate reference materials available at the time they were produced. We were fortunate that during this project we had access to the original US Navy blueprints of USS Worden DLG-18 plus hundreds of photographs. The masters for our series were designed for us by Darius Lipinski of Paper Lab. Production work is being done by Norbert Bröcher of Rhenania.

DLG-18 Main Deck stern details from the original US Navy blueprints

The first model to be released will be TF 08A Richmond K. Turner DLG-20 as she appeared in 1964 as freshly commissioned. We have elected to start with DLG-20 because she was one of four ships in the class that completed and went into service with only two AN/SPG-55 missile directors instead of the full suite of four. This version of the ship has never been produced in 1/1250 scale.

TF 08A Richmond K. Turner DLG-20 1964 pre-production sample without decals. Final details and colors subject to change- missile color will be adjusted as it is a bit too bright.

The AN/SPG-55 directors were produced by Sperry-Rand which suffered a strike that disrupted production. The Navy decided having hulls in the water was more important than fully equipping the ships and finished four ships (Richmond K. Turner, Worden, Halsey and Reeves) with just a pair of directors. All four of these units deployed to the Pacific. None of them received their missing directors until their first major overhaul and update in the early 1970s.

DLG-24 Reeves underway in 1966. Note she is only fitted with a pair of AN/SPG-55 directors. She was one of four ships that went into service in this configuration.

We expect to be shipping TF 08A Richmond K. Turner to customers in February. We also have the capability to produce the other three ships with two directors. The castings would be identical. The only change would be the switch to the correct hull numbers. These alternative versions will be available by special order only- we do not currently plan to stock them.

Following in March or April 2017 will be TF 08 Dale DLG-19 as in 1970 just before her first overhaul. Dale was a four director ship from the outset. As with the TF 08A model we will have to capability to release any of the five ships (Leahy, Harry E. Yarnell, Dale, Gridley or England) that appeared in this configuration with correct hull numbers and markings but they will be special order only.

TF 08 Dale DLG-19 as in 1970. Note this rendering shows her underwater profile. The model will be waterline. Finished models will feature hull numbers and deck markings.

Planned for eventual release are these versions (note all of these are 3D renderings of the masters, not physical models):

TF 08B Leahy CG-16 as in 1975 after her first major overhaul

TF 08C Gridley CG-21 after addition of CIWS and Harpoon as in 1989

TF 08D Harry E. Yarnell CG-17 post-NTU with CIWS and Harpoon as in 1990

Watch your in box for a special edition newsletter focusing on the Leahy class. This will go into more detail on the history of the class and break down the variations and differences in each of the planned models. But if you read it don't be surprised if you end up selling your Hansa or Delphin examples and buying our new ones.

Norbert Bröcher
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zuletzt bearbeitet 12.01.2017 | Top

RE: TF 8 LEAHY Klasse Vorankündigung

#2 von RG , 12.01.2017 16:48

Von guten Modellen habe ich gerne unterschiedliche Versionen,freue mich !

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Punkte: 21.297
Registriert am: 13.08.2014


TF 08 LEAHY CLASS erstes Modell TF 08A

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