I am pleased to annouce the latest new release of 1/1250th models from Mountford for the month of July
NEW 2016 RELEASE NUMBER 16 ,17 and 18
MM413KP Mississippi River Closed Food Transporting Barge. The price of this Food Barge fully assembled and painted is £7.95 and in kit form £3.95.
MM414KP Mississippi River Fuel Barge. The price of this Fuel Barge fully assembled and painted is £7.95 and in kit form £3.95.
MM415KP Mississippi River Barge with Aviation Fuel Tanks. The price of this Aviation Fuel Barge fully assembled and painted is £8.95 and in kit form £4.95.
I have attached pictures of the three barges. The models have been mastered be Mountford's in house sculptor. The models are all white metal.
I am now taking pre orders for the Barges and they be on Show at Theale on Sunday 17th July.